Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trainer ride w/ data + swim

June 29
Well, between the wedding, work, and training, I wasn't able to post the last week and a half of training. I should be able to post more regularly for the next several weeks. On with today's workouts...

(1) Trainer ride. 1:05. Data:
First set
8 min. at 235 W and 65 rpm -- 136 bpm avg., 140 bpm max, 6 PE
6 min. at 245 W and 70 rpm -- 141 bpm avg., 144 bpm max, 6 PE
4 min. at 255 W and 75 rpm -- 144 bpm avg., 150 bpm max, 6.5 PE
2 min. at 265 W and 85 rpm -- 142 bpm avg., 153 bpm max, 6.5 PE
1 min. at 275 W and 95 rpm -- 138 bpm avg., 144 bpm max, 7 PE

Secont set
8 min. at 235 W and 65 rpm -- 142 bpm avg., 144 bpm max, 7 PE
6 min. at 245 W and 70 rpm -- 145 bpm avg., 149 bpm max, 7 PE
4 min. at 255 W and 75 rpm -- 148 bpm avg., 153 bpm max, 7.5 PE
2 min. at 265 W and 85 rpm -- 143 bpm avg., 156 bpm max, 7.5 PE
1 min. at 275 W and 95 rpm -- 134 bpm avg., 151 bpm max, 7.5 PE

One minute easy between all sets, and with a 10 min. w/u and 5 min c/d

(2) Swim
I'm off to the pool right now for a 1:10 swim. The main set is a 21 hard 100's on 10 sec. rest with additional rest after sets of 6, then 5, then 4, then 3, then 2, then 1. Once again due to business, I neglected to update my swim yardage for the month. It's not great, though. I'd estimate 40,000 y.


  1. Nice riding Evan...but only 40,000y swimming during June? We better get AT LEAST 10,000-yards in tomorrow, before July hits! In all seriousness, we'll be sure you up the volume as July rolls on.


  2. evan tell chuckie we are all jonesing for more chuckie posts!
