Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Ran!

On Friday, for the first time in about 4 months, I went for a run. I can't say "I ran so far" -- my PT limited me to five reps of 1 minute walking, 1 minute running. Still, there was no noticeable pain either while running or later on. Good news.

I've got another PT appointment this week, and I hope it'll be my last. Ideally my therapist will suggest immediately beginning a gradual built to regain my running strength that minimizes the risk of re-injuring my Achilles. I know that for the foreseeable future my routine needs to include calf exercises and stretches.

In other news, Ozzy, my 4 month old puppy, is putting on 1.5-2 pounds a week and now tips the scales at just under 25 pounds. He is looking more and more like a German Sheppard and less and less like his Border Collie mother.


  1. Congrats on running again, it must have felt good to get out there.

    Are you thinking Ozzy is not a pure Border Collie?

  2. We are thinking Ozzy likely has some German Sheppard in him.

    Some folks at the dog part explained to me that a bitch (in the technical sense of the word, of course) may get pregnant with the offspring of more than one male at the same time. This is because, according to my sources, each egg is fertilized individually. As a result, there's the possibility that a single litter of puppies might include both pure-breds and mutts.

  3. (The latter paragraph merely being some canine biology I found interesting and in no way a suggestion that Ozzy's mother was dissolute.)

  4. Like Eugene (Levy) you got me straight trippin' boo
    Hope you look in my eyes and say I'm trippin' too
    You say Iran don't have the bomb but they already do
    You should know by now, it's you.

  5. So, maybe he's part Australian shepard. I hear their ears touch over head.
